There is no Substitute for the Real Thing
Dear Friends,
She gave me the strangest look. She said, "Are you serious?" At that moment I felt like a superhero who had come in to save the day. We were in the middle of serving a turkey dinner at church. It was our biggest fundraiser. Geri was overseeing the event and was in a quandary. The turkey, stuffing, carrots, biscuits and all the fixings were being plated. We had a packed hall and the crowd was getting anxious.
We had plenty of everything except for the mashed potatoes. Somehow, we had miscalculated on how many potatoes we needed. Maybe the ones we purchased were smaller than average. After having peeled and mashed everything we had, we were about forty servings short. That's when I stepped in. I said, "No problem. We can use instant potatoes." I pointed out that we had several boxes in the food pantry at church.
Geri looked at me as if I were telling her to scoop up some dog food and put it on the plate and serve it as pate. In an attempt to convince her, I shared the fact that I used them all the time at home. I smiled and said, "They are really good!" You have to understand that Geri was a very good cook. She didn't take shortcuts. She cooked everything from scratch. The idea of using a substitute, especially "potato flakes," was something she had never done before.
I think the only reason she went ahead with it is because we were in a jam. We didn't have any other options at that time. I looked over her shoulder as she whipped up a batch and loaded them onto the remaining plates. She gave me one last look as the plates went out the kitchen door. I could tell she wasn't pleased. The final test came when she stuck her spoon in the pan and lifted it to her mouth. "Yuck!" she said. "I will never do that again."
A laugh escaped my lips. "It can't be that bad!" I exclaimed. She looked at me and said, "It tastes like paper." It was too late to do anything about it but it made me think about the number of times we substitute what we really want for something less. Geri was right about one thing. There is no acceptable substitute for the real thing. It may say "100% real potatoes" on the box but it won't satisfy what you are looking for.
The same is true in our spiritual life. So many people walk through life looking for something that will satisfy our deepest needs. We substitute all kinds of things hoping that they will do just that. The world promises us that we will be fulfilled. Yet, too often we are like the person who wanders aimlessly through the kitchen looking for something to eat. We try Oreos, a piece of bacon, a slice of cheese but nothing quenches our appetite.
The reason for this is that we were created with a longing to be in relationship with our Heavenly Father. Until we find it, we will always feel like we are lacking something. We will try to fill that void with food, alcohol, sex, money, position and power. Each may meet the need for a time. Before long we will hunger again for something that will satisfy that God shaped hole in our lives.
The Prophet Isaiah says, "Come all who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have on money, come buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare." Jesus said it this way, "Come to me and you will find rest for your souls..."
Our deepest needs can only be satisfied in God. He is 100% the real thing. There is no substitute for having a deep and abiding relationship with God. If you are searching for something that will feed your soul this Spring, head back to your local church during the Lenten season. There will be a welcome for you at the Lord's table.
See You In Church.
Pastor Cal