Meet the Staff
Our Church Administrator - Dorothy McClure
Dorothy began her service in the church office in 2019. She comes from a career in banking and we are so grateful to have her with us. She is the friendly face you meet when you drop by or call the office. She manages all the administrative work that is done on a daily basis at the church. If you need to speak to the Pastor or get a message to one of our church leaders, she is there to assist you in making contact.
Our Music Director & Choir Director -
Lynn Dowding Johnson
Lynn began working with our youth as their choral director back in 1994. In 1999, she was called to serve the congregation as our Organist & Choir Director. Over the years she has done a terrific job with the choir and orchestrated several special program like the annual Christmas Cantata. She has imported several guest musicians to supplement the work of our choir, praise teams and orchestras over the years to provide a well rounded music ministry here at Central Baptist.
Our Custodial Staff
Weekday Custodian - Sofia Scarano
Sofia is the owner and operator of the cleaning service, Partners In Grime. She is also a member of the congregation. When the opening in our custodial department surfaced, she stepped up to volunteer. We are so happy to have her and her daughter, Gianna, serving us in this special way.
Nursery School Custodians - Gianna Scarano
Gianna Scarano is responsible for cleaning and preparing our Nursery School for the kids each day.
Weekend Custodian - Ray Deptulski Jr.
Ray has been the weekend custodian going on six years. He opens up the building each Sunday and prepares it for worship, and all of our weekend activities. Ray also is available to serve at weddings and funerals that take place at the church.